Art and Design




At Barton Moss, we place a great emphasis on the importance of art and design. Art and design give our children the opportunity to learn how to express themselves through their own creativity and through the awareness and celebration of our own individual uniqueness.

There are no right or wrong answers and no limit to our imaginations!

Art and design at Barton Moss enables children to express themselves and engage with their emotions in a creative, imaginative manner. A chance to experiment, investigate, create, make mistakes, and have fun whilst learning.




Our art and design curriculum has been chosen to ensure our children have the chance to be curious, ask questions and become inspired to find out more about the diverse world we live in.  We have chosen to use KAPOW across KS1 and KS2 as it has a clear progression of skills and provides the broad, balanced and exciting curriculum we want for our children.

We want our children to know about some of the great male and female artists and designers and their differing cultures and histories. We want them to question what 'great' means and ask what makes a piece of art 'great'. We want them to learn not only about well-known artists but other artists too. We will celebrate local artists and designers and learn about newer and less well-known craftspeople.  We believe that our curriculum will contribute to the quality of our children’s lives, both within and beyond school.

 We see art and design as a means to support learning in a range of ways. The skills that are developed in these subjects can be transferred across the curriculum in a variety of ways and thus promote and enhance learning. This means our children will ultimately be prepared for a future of possibilities.

Art and design in the early years is taught and experienced through a mixture of child initiated, adult directed learning and open-ended play.

End of Key Stage Intentions


By the end of EYFS pupils will have had the opportunity to: 

The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity

  • Develop artistic and cultural awareness supporting imagination and creativity
  • Explore and play safely with a variety of materials, tools and techniques
  • Develop understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and the ability to communicate through the arts
  • Be inspired through a wide variety of books to create pieces of art
  • Explore the natural world around them, making observations and drawing pictures of animals and plants


By the end of KS1 pupils will have had the opportunity to:

  • Experiment with drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
  • Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
  • Learn about the work of a diverse range of artists, craft makers and designers and make links to their own work
  • Begin a learning journey in their sketch book, using this as a place to investigate, experiment, make mistakes, create and evaluate


By the end of KS2 pupils will have had the opportunity to:

  • Continue to develop their techniques including their control and use of different media
  • Gain an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design
  • Continue their learning journey in their sketchbooks using them to review, refine and revisit ideas
  • Improve their mastery of art and design techniques including drawing, painting and sculpture
  • Find out about and be inspired by a diverse range of artists, designers and crafts people



  • In KS1 and KS2 teachers plan and teach following our scheme, KAPOW
  • Black laminated sketchbooks are used in all classes. Dates are written on each piece of work but no learning objective needed.
  • Teachers do not mark work in sketchbooks. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own work and make annotations where appropriate.
  • Knowledge mats from KAPOW are shared with the children but not stuck in sketchbooks.
  • Artwork too big to fit in sketch books is photographed and stuck in.
  • Sketchbooks should show a journey of investigation and exploration before a final piece of artwork.
  • Specific art vocabulary should be evident in sketchbooks where appropriate.
  • Sketchbook guidelines for children to be stuck on inside front cover.
  • Sketchbooks can be used across the curriculum for any cross curricular lesson.
  • Teachers use the spreadsheet from KAPOW to assess their children every term.



Class teachers will plan meaningful lessons aiming to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in art and design.In the Early years, children will be taught to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art and design. Teachers plan for both focused and independent art activities and ensure all children have the opportunity to express themselves creatively and use their imaginations through exploration and play.

In KS1 and KS2, class teachers will plan their lessons following our scheme ensuring the skills and knowledge stated in the National Curriculum are covered. When planning and teaching art and design, teachers should aim where possible, to make links with other subjects so the children can transfer and apply their skills.

Teachers should guide children to use their sketch books as a place for exploration, investigation and practice. They should ensure children are able to talk about and evaluate their work and refine their skills. Children's artwork will be in sketch books, on displays and photographed for reference and assessment purposes.  We want to ensure that art and design is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using art are always taken. Children will use reading and writing as a vehicle to present art knowledge, and secure and practise their art skills in other curriculum subjects.

Teachers will ensure they teach specific art vocabulary as identified on the knowledge organisers and in the progression document. Teachers will follow the year group planning to teach about well known and less well known artists and designers who inspire and interest the children.

Throughout the school year, there will be opportunities to enrich the curriculum through theme days giving teachers the chance to plan interesting, imaginative lessons around a topic. Teachers will aim to plan educational visits and experiences outside the classroom that enable our children to broaden their knowledge of art, artists and designers and inspire and engage them in their learning.



  • Art and design is loved and talked about by teachers and pupils across the school
  • All children use technical vocabulary accurately and pupils will know, apply and understand the skills and processes taught
  • Children will be confident art critics and appreciators- able to analyse their own work and discuss their opinions of the work of others
  • Children will have skills in art and design that can be transferred across the curriculum
  • Children will become more resilient by continually evaluating and improving their artwork


During pupil voice:

  • 100% of pupils will say they enjoy and remember their art lessons
  • 100% of pupils will be able to talk about an artist or piece of art work and share their opinion


Impact will be measured by the following:

  • Sketch book and artwork monitoring will show that all children’s outcomes are 100% good outcomes or better. 
  • Sketch book and artwork monitoring will show at least 50% have outstanding evidence that show children are engrossed and can know and remember more about art and design linked directly to the intent. 
  • Monitoring shows that theory and intent is being implemented in the order and approach as planned by the subject leader. 
  • Book looks, photographs, displays and pupil voice will show children are remembering more about art and showcase the development of progressive art skills throughout the year groups.
  • Sketch books show evidence of specific art vocabulary being taught, used and remembered.
  • Sketch books show evidence of children evaluating artwork- both their own and the work of others.
  • Termly reporting of class data to the subject leader.
  • Data at the end of EYFS will show at least 75% will achieve the art objectives.
  • By the end of KS1 at least 65% of children will be age related with 10 percent achieving above. 
  • By the end of Year 3 and 4 at least 70% of children will be age related with 15 percent achieving above. 
  • By the end of Year 5 and 6 at least 75 % of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.


Art Key Vocabulary Lists by Year 

Art Pupil Progression 

Long term plan Art and Design  

Art and Design in EYFS 

Art and Design Policy