Design and Technology
At Barton Moss, our chosen design and technology curriculum prepares children to deal with tomorrow’s rapidly changing world. It encourages children to become independent, creative problem-solvers and thinkers as individuals and as part of a team - making positive changes to their quality of life and preparing them for the future.
Design and Technology
The curriculum scheme that we follow has been chosen purposely because it is exciting, broad and balanced and has a clear progression of skills that develop throughout the school. Our children will have the opportunity to combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues as well as inspiring them to be curious about the world and encouraging them to find out more about how things work. They draw on their knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, computing, art, and the principles of nutrition and cookery to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable problem solvers.
We intend our curriculum to support children in knowing more, remembering more and understanding more.
We want our curriculum to encourage children to be interested in design technology as a subject in the future, both at high school and beyond. We intend that children should master design and technology to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within design and technology and make use of design and technology effectively in their everyday lives.
Design and technology in the early years is taught and experienced through a mixture of child initiated, adult directed learning and open-ended play.
End of Key Stage Intentions
By the end of EYFS pupils will have had the opportunity to:
- Use their natural creativity to investigate design and make, enabling them to learn about their world.
- Design and make with a purpose. Gain satisfaction, confidence, enthusiasm and perseverance making objects that represent other objects and ones that function like purposeful objects
- Develop speaking and listening skills and vocabulary whilst discussing what they are making/ have made
- Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques
- Share their creations, explaining the process they have used and how they might improve them
- Make use of and create props with everyday materials and large-scale junk modelling when role playing in deconstruction areas
By the end of KS1 pupils will have had the opportunity to:
- Engage fully in the process of designing and making
- Design purposeful products that are functional and appealing
- Select and use a variety of tools and materials in order to make their chosen products
- Evaluate existing products and their own ideas against design criteria
- Build structures and explore mechanisms to develop technical knowledge
- Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes and understand where food comes from
- Be part of young enterprise and make products to generate profit
By the end of KS2 pupils will have had the opportunity to:
- Research and design functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose
- Confidently select from and use a wider range of tools, equipment and materials to make their products
- Evaluate existing products and their own ideas against their design criteria
- Become familiar with how key events and individuals in design and technology have helped shape the world
- Develop their technical knowledge to create and use more complex structures and mechanisms including electrical systems
- Apply computing skills to their designs
- Prepare and cook a variety of dishes and understand where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed
- Plan and take part in young enterprise aiming to generate a profit
- In KS1 and KS2 teachers plan and teach following our scheme, KAPOW
- In KS1, teachers have one large pink class book to showcase a selection of work from the lesson. Other children's work is kept in a file
- In KS2, large pink group books are used for children's work
- Photographs of the process and including the finished products should be put in the DT books
- The knowledge mat for the unit should be stuck in the DT books
- Vocab for the unit should be on the front of the DT book and referred to during lessons
- Children should annotate and evaluate their work in the DT books
- The spreadsheet from KAPOW should be used termly for assessment
Class teachers will plan meaningful lessons aiming to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in design and technology. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, design and technology is covered within knowledge and understanding of the world, creative development and within some aspects of physical development. Early skills in design technology are taught in a playful, exploratory way alongside discussion at appropriate levels, and will be an integral part of the child’s learning. Children will be taught specific skills; they will be taught to use and identify simple tools and will use a variety of materials to make things.
In KS1 and KS2, class teachers will plan their lessons following our scheme ensuring the skills and knowledge stated in the National Curriculum are covered. When planning and teaching design technology, although it will be taught discretely, teachers should aim where possible to make links with other subjects so the children can transfer and apply their skills. Teachers will use reading and writing as a vehicle to learn about and present design and technology learning. Clear and appropriate cross curricular links will be made where possible, giving the children opportunities to learn life skills and apply skills to ‘hands on’ situations in a purposeful context.
Teachers will ensure accurate teaching of subject specific vocabulary, skills and knowledge by engaging with the teacher CPD available for most lessons through our scheme.
Teachers will ensure they teach specific design technology vocabulary as identified on the knowledge organisers and in the progression document. Knowledge organisers will be in the design technology books for children to refer to throughout the teaching process.
During the school year, teachers will enhance the curriculum by engaging children in young enterprise. Classes will research, plan and make items to sell at both Christmas and summer fairs in order to make a profit.
Teachers will plan for collaborative learning within teams and groups in order to support and help one another to reach their goals. Children will also be asked to solve problems and answer questions independently; individual learning in design technology will create resilient, confident learners.
- Children talk about design and technology and express how much they enjoy it
- Children will be engaged in their lessons and confident designers, makers and evaluators
- Children will have skills in design and technology that can be transferred across the curriculum
- Children will become more resilient by continually evaluating and improving their designs
- All children will have experience in young enterprise- designing and making a product to sell
Impact will be measured by the following:
- Design technology book monitoring will show that all children’s outcomes are 100% good outcomes or better.
- Design technology book monitoring will show at least 50% have outstanding evidence that show children are engrossed and can know and remember more about design technology linked directly to the intent.
- Monitoring shows that theory and intent is being implemented in the order and approach as planned by the subject leader.
- Book looks, photographs, displays and pupil voice will show children are remembering more about DT and showcase the development of progressive skills throughout the year groups.
- DT books show evidence of specific DT vocabulary being taught, used and remembered.
- DT books show evidence of children evaluating designs- both their own and the work of others.
- Termly reporting of class data to the subject leader.
- Data at the end of EYFS will show at least 75% will achieve the relevant statements in physical development and expressive arts and design.
- By the end of KS1 at least 65% of children will be age related with 10 percent achieving above.
- By the end of Year 3 and 4 at least 70% of children will be age related with 15 percent achieving above.
- By the end of Year 5 and 6 at least 75 % of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.