Forest School

At Barton Moss we believe the importance of teaching the children about the environment and how we are connected to it all. In the Early Years we use Forest School to help develop the children's knowledge and understanding of the natural world, as well as develop their independence, problem solving skills and social skills.

What is Forest School

  • Regular visits over an extended period
  • Opportunity to play and learn, explore and discover
  • Risk-assessed but not risk-free, natural setting with trees
  • Clear rules and boundaries but a relaxed pace with lots of choice and creativity
  • Children can get hands-on, close to nature and MUDDY!

What are the benefits to children's learning and development?

Mental health benefits

Physical health benefits

Social benefits

Improved confidence and self-esteem

Improved motivation and concentration

Improved behaviour

Risk awareness and self-management

Increased knowledge and understanding of the world with better connection with and respect for their environment

Can enhance classroom learning

Gives new insights to individuals

Possible ‘ripple’ effects


Familiarisation with procedures and the site

Learning the Forest School rules and boundaries

Playing, exploring, discovery, climbing and rolling

Games and Stories

Camp fires cooking marshmallows and toast

Bird recognition , birdsong, bug hunting

Tree facts and tree identification

Map reading and orienteering (very simple)

Natural art, den building and weaving hurdles

Practical skills- sawing and whittling (1:1)

Sharing, talking and celebrating

Important links and information

Parent booklet