Meet The Governors

Barton Moss Local Governing Board

Welcome letter from the Chair of Governors

We are currently reviewing how we collect diversity data for governors and trustees, and this will be updated shortly.

As part of Prestolee Multi Academy Trust, Barton Moss Primary School has its own local governing board (LGB) with high levels of earned autonomy.  This is outlined in the scheme of delegation that can be viewed here

The role of the LGB is to: 

  1. Help the Trust achieve its strategic objective: 

The Trust of choice, for children, parents and educators.  A community of practice, where everyone belongs, learns and succeeds. Where every child receives a first-class education and is prepared for a future of possibilities 

  1. Have high aspirations and ensure every child succeeds 
  1. Work strategically to provide the highest levels of challenge and support 
  1. Ensure the school is the best it can be 
  1. Meaningfully engage with stakeholders and be a champion for their children, families and community 


Governance is supported by the Board of Trustees, details of which can be found here.  

Further information about Governance, the role of the Board of Trustees, their attendance, and the register of interests can be viewed here



Mr Christopher Speed

(Community Governor)

Chair and Safeguarding/

Health and Safety Governor and Equality Governor .

Appointed  -14/12/2021

Term of office - 14/12/2021 - 13/12/2025

Mr Garry Ramage

(Community Governor)

Vice Chair, Attainment Governor and CPD Governor

Appointed - 16/11/2019

Term of office - 13/12/2022 - 12/12/2026

Ms Jessica Evans

(Parent Governor)

 Appointed - 27/03/2023

Term of office - 27/03/2023 - 26/03/2027

Mrs Christina Eaton- Caswell

(Parent Governor)

 Appointed - 27/03/2023

Term of office - 27/03/2023 - 26/03/2027

Mr Mark Barton

(Community Governor)

SEND and LAC Governor 

Appointed - 14/12/2021

Term of office - 14/12/21 - 13/12/2025

Mr Andrew Cornish

(Staff Governor)

Curriculum Governor 

Appointed 22/03/2021

Term of office - 22/03/2021 - 21/03/2025

Mrs Claire Woolley

(Head of School)

Headteacher Governor 

Appointed - 01/09/2022


Mrs Katie Eaton

(Community Governor)

Appointed - 28/03/2022

Term of office - 28/03/2022 - 27/03/2026



Clerk to the Governing Board:            Mrs Vikki Semple

Vacant Position:                                  (Support Staff Governor)


 Prestolee Multi Academy Trust


Bill Barclay: Appointed 16/01/17

Sheryl Farnworth: Appointed 26/01/17

Stuart Fox: Appointed 20/01/20

Kelly Macadam: Appointed 01/07/19

Scott Patton: Appointed 01/07/19


Terms of Office of Trustees:

Lisa Gartside                         Term of Office            08/02/2021 – 07/02/2025

Andrew Sargeant                  Term of Office            02/07/2018 – 01/07/2022

Paul Heath                             Term of Office            18/07/22 - 17/07/2026

Emlyn Wright                         Term of Office           27/03/2023 - 26/03/2027

Jayne Coleman                      Term of Office           01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027

Lisa Littler                              Term of Office            01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027


Trust Leadership

Michael Tonge                                   Chief Executive Officer

Rebecca Dunne                                Dept CEO/Exec Head Waterloo/Prestolee

Michael Govier                                  Chief Financial Officer

Krystyna Forster                               Head of School Bowness

Damian Harris                                   Exec Head Waterloo/ Head of Fiddlers Lane

Stephen Holden                                Exec Head Bowness/Tottington

Alex Keane                                       Head of School Prestolee/Exec Head Barton Moss

Lynsey Smith                                    Head of SCITT

Deborah Taylor                                 Head of School Tottington

Victoria Unsworth                             Headteacher Mesne Lea

Claire Woolley                                  Head of School Barton Moss

Helen Turner                                    Head of School Waterloo Primary

Gill Thornicroft                                  Headteacher of Springside Primary


Please click here to view Prestolee Multi Academy Trust website.