Modern Foreign Languages
At Barton Moss Primary School, our French curriculum aims to provide all pupils with a high quality French education. The priority is that pupils are keen to participate and make progress in being able to converse using useful sentences to communicate in other languages, delivered through a fun and engaging curriculum.
Modern Foreign Languages
Primary school offers children their first experience in learning another language, so we intend to ensure that pupils leave Barton Moss with a love of language learning. In addition, children’s knowledge of how language works will be developed to lay the foundations for further language learning in KS3 and beyond. We believe that learning another language gives children a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others. Ultimately, we intend for our pupils to have a love of languages and to inspire their curiosity, ask questions and become inspired to find out more about the diverse world we live in.
Linked to our core-connection of ‘equality and diversity’ and the British Values, children will be able to consider issues that are relevant in the world today. Children will learn to develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as ‘Global Citizens’ who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world.
End of Key Stage Intentions
By the end of EYU, pupils will demonstrate the following:
- Knowledge of 1 story and 2 songs/ finger rhymes.
By the end of Key Stage 1 pupils will demonstrate the following:
- Knowledge of French through a variety of stories, rhymes and songs. The children will know 2 stories and 3 rhymes/songs by the end of Y2, building on from what was learnt in EYU.
- The ability to recognise and respect similarities and differences through the celebration of European Languages Day throughout the school.
By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils will demonstrate the following:
- The ability to talk and write about the following topics in French: ourselves, celebrations, school, weather, hobbies and holidays.
- Knowledge of French sentence structures and vocabulary.
- Understanding of French culture and the ability to compare French and British traditions.
- The ability to recognise and respect similarities and differences through the celebration of European Languages Day throughout the school.
- In EYU and KS1, French will be taught weekly for 15 minutes.
- In EYFS and KS1, key vocabulary is displayed in the classroom linked to the songs, rhymes and stories.
- Evidence of learning will be through photographs, video and recordings shared on Twitter.
- Pupil Voice will be conducted termly.
- In KS2, French will be taught weekly for 30 minutes.
- Each class will have a display linked to the unit being studied during the half term.
- Work will be recorded in a small orange exercise book.
- Evidence of learning will be through photographs, video and recordings shared on Twitter.
- Pupil Voice will be conducted termly.
- Learning Looks will be conducted termly.
In KS2, we follow the Salford syllabus for French, which has been designed by a team of cluster leads. The scheme covers the objectives from the National Curriculum, enabling schools to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum full of religious and moral topics.
EYFS and KS1
French is introduced on a very informal basis in the first years of school through the sharing of simple songs, rhymes and stories. In KS1, formal language lessons take place weekly, for 15minutes sessions. Throughout the year, children will participate in themed events, such as The National European Day of Languages.
In Key Stage 2, pupils participate in a weekly lesson of 30 minutes, delivered by class teachers. The lessons involve a variety of innovative approaches to teaching and learning, including speaking and listening activities, lots of opportunities to role play simple scenes and to consolidate new learning through a variety of authentic material to ensure all pupils are fully engaged. From the start of KS2 children being to develop their writing skills, from single word, to simple phrase, sentences and paragraphs. Lessons are taught around a half termly theme. These theme are repeated each year, enabling children to build cumulative skills and knowledge to ultimately know and remember more. Children will participate in themed events, such as The National European Day of Languages.
KS2 children are assessed in French using self-assessment sheets which accompany each of the units of work. Initially the children self-mark these using a ‘RAG’ system and then the teacher verifies their assessment.
- Book monitoring will show that all teaching and learning outcomes are at a 100 percent good standard or better.
- Book monitoring will show that teaching and learning outcomes are at 50 percent outstanding and that children are engrossed in the subject of French, and know and remember more linked directly to the intent.
- All book monitoring will show that theory and intent is being implemented in the order and approach as planned by the subject leader.
- All books will show assessment stages throughout each term via self-assessment sheets.
- By the end of year 3/4 at least 70% of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.
- By the end of year 5/6 at least 75% of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.
- Book books and pupil voice will show that staff can identify which children in EYFS are engaged in French (MFL) within or outside of school.
- Book books and pupil voice will show that staff can identify which children in EYFS/Y1-2 are engaged in French (MFL) within or outside of school experiences.
MFL Scheme Year Group Breakdown