The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more. As a result of this they will become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who understand how they are developing personally and socially, and give them confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community and to ultimately prepare them for a life in modern Britain.
We decided to use and follow the Kapow scheme of work because it offers our children a full understand of PHSE linked to RSE curriculum. Also, we can personalise and use it to focus in on our school values around equality and diversity and human impact on the environment. We then use PSHE progression of skills document to track progress. As a result of using this scheme children will know how to be safe and to understand how to develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives.
End of Key Stage Intentions
Key Concepts for PSHE at Barton Moss across all Key Stages:
- Children will learn about themselves as individuals and the roles they play in their families, friendship groups and in their wider community.
- Children will have a deep understanding of how to keep themselves both physically and mentally healthy and how to support others. They will know about changes in their bodies and how our bodies change with age.
- Children will know how to keep themselves safe in terms of road safety, safety in the home, online safety, stranger danger, drug and alcohol awareness and how to use the emergency services and apply basic first aid.
- Recognise that as humans we have a huge impact on the world we live in and we can help shape this world with our actions such as recycling, supporting a local charity, fund raising.
By the end of EYFS pupils will demonstrate the following;
- Be able to communicate their own needs and wants to others.
- Be able to seek help when needed from adults or peers.
- Be able to talk freely to other pupils when playing.
- Be able to talk about their own home, families and communities.
By the end of Key Stage 1 pupils will demonstrate the following:
- A good understanding that families include a range of people and how each member of a family is related to each other.
- Knowing that families offer love and support.
- Learning that friendships can have problems but that these can be overcome
- Developing an understanding of self respect
- Understanding the importance of exercise and its effect on the body
- Exploring the need for perseverance and developing a growth mindset
- A secure understanding of how to keep safe at home, school and in the community.
By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils will demonstrate the following:
- A deeper understanding that friendships can experience conflict, and ways in which to resolve conflict, through negotiation and compromise.
- A developed understanding of stereotyping and bullying that can be linked to it.
- Secure knowledge that it is their responsibility to look after their overall health, including, diet, oral hygiene, physical activity, rest and relaxation.
- Identifying long-term goals and developing a plan as to how to achieve them
- Understanding that online relationships should be treated in the same way as face to face relationships and knowing where to get help with any online problems.
- Knowing the changes experienced during puberty.
Non Negotiables:
- Taught weekly
- One class book A3 orange book for each unit of work (6 books in total for a school year)
- LO and lesson content overview to be evidence for each lesson.
- Work to be record in a variety of formats – photography, written work, drawings.
- Knowledge maps to be at the front each new book started.
- Enhancement days – healthy minds, mental health week all to be record in PSHE book.
Class teachers will plan meaningful lessons aiming to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in PSHE.In the Early years, children will be taught to how to develop communication to make sure their needs are met, how to develop peer friendship but playing and learning together. Teachers plan for both focused and independent PSHE activities and ensure all children have the opportunity to express themselves and understand about different relationships through exploration and play.
In KS1 and KS2, class teachers will plan their lessons following the Kapow scheme ensuring the skills and knowledge stated in the National Curriculum are covered.
Children's PSHE will be in a class book for each different unit, it will be displayed through a varieties of ways from writing work, to photographs, drawing and videos. We want to ensure that PSHE is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using PSHE are always taken.
Teachers will ensure they teach specific PSHE vocabulary as identified on the knowledge organisers and in the progression document. Teachers will follow the year group planning to teach each of the units year on year to further secure children knowledge about key aspects of relationship, safety, changes to the body and mental and physical wellbeing.
Throughout the school year, there will be opportunities to enrich the curriculum through theme days giving teachers the chance to plan interesting, imaginative lessons around a topic.
Book monitoring will show that all teaching and learning outcomes are at a 100 percent good standard or better.
Book monitoring will show that teaching and learning outcomes are at 50 percent outstanding and that children are engrossed in the subject of PSHE/RSE, and know and remember more linked directly to the intent.
All book monitoring shows that theory and intent is being implemented in the order and approach as planned by the subject leader.
All books show assessment stages throughout each term (star sheets, assessments, reading, progress maps) within the curriculum construct that show children are knowing and remembering more.
Data at the end of EYFS will show at least 75% will achieve GLD the PSED objectives.
- By the end of KS1 at least 65% of children will be age related with 10% achieving above.
- By the end of LKS2 at least 70% of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.
- By the end of UKS2 at least 80% of children will be age related with 25% achieving above.
Primary Parents’ and carers’ guide for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)