

 At Barton Moss, we strive to help our children develop knowledge, understanding and respect towards different religions and faith groups, thereby preparing them for life in our diverse multi-faith society and a future of many possibilities. We appreciate the variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds of our pupils and adapt our curriculum in response to the context, strengths and needs of our school. The skills and attitudes developed through RE relate to the promotion of British values and the improvement of community cohesion.




Our curriculum intends to support pupil's personal search for meaning as they explore what it means to be human and explores faith traditions, rituals, places of worship and sacred texts and stories. We support children with their learning of world faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism, and their understanding and awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of others. We encourage children to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own views, values and experiences.

Linked to our core connection of ‘equality and diversity’ and the British Values, children will be able to consider issues that are relevant in the world today. Children will learn to develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as ‘Global Citizens’ who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world.

At Barton Moss, the EYU use the EYFS curriculum as the basis for their RE learning and this is linked to the subject’s progression of skills and vocabulary throughout their day to day learning, drawing on connections wherever possible. Children will begin to understand about faith celebrations including, Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Chinese New Year, and places of worship and sacred texts.

End of Key Stage Intentions


By the end of EYFS pupils will demonstrate the following;

  • A positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships.
  • An ability to understand and value the differences of individuals and groups within their own immediate community.
  • The opportunity to develop their emerging moral and cultural awareness.


By the end of Key Stage 1 pupils will demonstrate the following:

  • Knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts.
  • Knowledge of basic subject specific vocabulary.
  • The ability to ask questions and begin to express their own views in response to the material they learn about and in response to questions about their ideas.
  • Knowledge, skills and understanding through learning about Christians and Muslims or Jewish people. Pupils may also encounter other religions and worldviews in thematic units, where appropriate.


By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils will demonstrate the following:

  • Knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, recognising their local, national and global contexts.
  • The ability to use an extended range of sources and subject specific vocabulary.
  • Curiosity and the ability to ask increasingly challenging questions about religion, belief, values and human life.
  • The ability to express their own ideas in response to the material they engage with, identifying relevant information, selecting examples and giving reasons to support their ideas and views.

Knowledge, skills and understanding through learning about Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jewish and Humanists. Pupils may also encounter other religions and worldviews in thematic units.



At Barton Moss, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Salford Agreed Syllabus. Our curriculum enables all pupils to achieve well and attain high level outcomes by the end of each Key Stage. The curriculum is taught from Y1 to Y6 and reflects the fact that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religious traditions represented in Great Britain. 

The curriculum is progressive, clearly sequenced and suitably ambitious. It is rooted in disciplinary knowledge based in theology, social sciences and philosophy. We enrich the curriculum by organising visits to places of worship and faith leaders and other members of the community are also invited into school to contribute to learning in the classroom as an additional valued resource.

Through the curriculum, children are taught three core strands of religious education: Believing, Expressing and Living.  Through the progression of skills and vocabulary, children enhance their understanding of religious education and the British Values that are drawn from them.

During the school year, teachers will enhance the curriculum by engaging children in the celebration of religious festivals and celebrations.

Religious Education is taught weekly through a thematic approach, although there is some discrete learning of specific religions.

Religious texts are used within lessons to support knowledge of the theme and non-fiction reading comprehension. Children are empowered to express their skills, knowledge and view through a variety of forms including, debates and drama, poetry, stories, art and non-fiction genres.

Collective Worship take place daily throughout the school. The values of ambition, excellence, respect, togetherness and happiness are celebrated in a variety of ways including, discussion, stories and songs.

Assessment of RE in EYU is through Target Tracker Early Years Framework. In KS1 and KS2, it is based on the expected statements outlined in the curriculum.




  • Book monitoring will show that all teaching and learning outcomes are at a 100 percent good standard or better.
  • Book monitoring will show that teaching and learning outcomes are at 50 percent outstanding and that children are engrossed in the subject of Religious Education, and know and remember more linked directly to the intent.
  • All book monitoring will show that theory and intent is being implemented in the order and approach as planned by the subject leader. 
  • All books will show assessment stages throughout each term (star sheets, assessments, and reading) within the curriculum construct that show children are knowing and remembering more. 
  • Data at the end of EYFS will show at least 75% will achieve the RE objectives.
  • By the end of year 1/2 at least 65% of children will be age related with 10% achieving above. 
  • By the end of year 3/4 at least 70% of children will be age related with 15% achieving above.
  • By the end of year 5/6 at least 75% of children will be age related with 15% achieving above. 
  • Book books and pupil voice will show that staff can identify which children are engaged in religious activity within or outside of school.


Promote British Values 

RE Year Group Breakdown 

RE Progression of Skills and Knowledge 

RE Progression of Voabulary 

Religious Education Policy