Year Six

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

 We are Mrs Huddart and Mr Handley, the Y6 class teachers.

In Year 6, we have a broad and engaging curriculum. Throughout their learning journey, we aim for the children to feel secure, to be tolerant and to show ambition and resilience.

The teaching in Year 6 is designed to allow children to think constructively and critically about the topics we cover in our curriculum and to ask questions to further their learning and understanding. The Year 6 curriculum is designed to broaden children’s knowledge and skills across a range of topics and provides them with every opportunity to know and remember more. Please see the curriculum overview for more information.

Class Routines

 We start the day with our English lessons, where we focus on strengthening the understanding of existing and new spellings and further developing reading comprehension skills through a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. We finish our English lesson with writing, which is focused on a fortnightly genre that enriches your child’s knowledge and skills for writing with tailored grammar and punctuation input.

After English, the children have Maths. This starts with basic skills, which provides a foundation for learning and using more advanced maths concepts. Following this, the children have their main maths lesson, from the White Rose scheme. During a lesson, children have the opportunity to review their previous learning and complete activities that warm up their brains before engaging with new concepts and problem solving.

Our afternoons consist of: handwriting, science, history, geography, art, DT, PSHE, Religion and Worldviews, French, music and computing.

Wednesday and Friday are our PE days. All children are required to come to school in full PE kit on these days.

Going the extra mile for success

 All home support is hugely appreciated and makes a positive impact on your child's learning opportunities. Please support your child by ensuring they read at least 5 times a week, for approximately 20-30 minutes per night. Please bring diaries/books into school daily and use either these or Class Dojo to communicate with me throughout the week.

Maths and English homework will be sent home weekly and in addition, children will be expected to spend time on Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars throughout the week.

Compulsory booster classes run after school from September until May, in order to prepare for the SATs. These focus on grammar, maths and reading.

As we have done for the last few years, we are continuing with the 'Walk to School' scheme, where children receive badges for taking part and increasing their fitness. If you have to drive your child to school, they can still achieve an active badge by parking at the shops and walking the remaining distance.

If you have any questions about your child’s learning, please contact us via Class Dojo.

 Many thanks,

Mrs Huddart and Mr Handle



Year 6 Learning Overview