Statutory Publication

In accordance with The School Information (England) Regulations amended 2016: 

Name of School: 

Barton Moss Primary School

(Part of Prestolee Multi Academy Trust )

Head of School Mrs C Wooley
Unique Reference Number (URN) 144459
Address:  Trippier Road, Peel Green, Eccles
Postcode:  M30 7PT
Telephone:  0161 921 1840
Main School Contact:  Mrs K McLoughlin

PMAT Accounts

Financial Benchmarking

Admission Arrangements:  Admissions
Over-Subscription Criteria:  Salford City Council appeal policy
Parent Applications:  Salford City Council Online Application
Ofsted Reports:  Ofsted
School Performance  DfE School Performance Website
KS2 Results:

Results Table

Curriculum Content EYFS:


To find out more about the curriculum please contact

Mrs C Woolley on 0161 921 1840.

Barton Moss Early Years Policy  

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 

Early Years Foundation Stage Vocabulary  

Reading in the Early Years Foundation Stage  

Writing in the Early Years Foundation Stage 

Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage  

MFL Early Years KS1  

Nuffield Early Language Intervention 

Development Matters 

EYFS framework - March 2021 

What to Expect in the EYFS 

Curriculum Content KS1 and KS2: 

Year 1 - 6 Curriculum 

RSE Curriculum 

Music Curriculum 

Computing Curriculum

RE Curriculum

MFL Curriculum KS2

MFL Curriculum KS1

Design Technology Curriculum

Art and Design Curriculum

RSE Policy

KS1 Phonics and Reading: 

Approach to Phonics

RWI for Parents

Set 1 Speed Sounds

Set 2 and 3 Speed Sounds

Half Termly Expectations

Remote Learning:

Remote Learning

Anti-Bullying Policy:  Anti-Bullying Policy
Pupil Premium: 

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

COVID Catch Up Funding Plan:

COVID Catch Up Funding Plan 20-21

Sports Premium: 

 Sports Premium Report 2023-24

SEN Coordinator:  Sophie Joice
SENCO Email Contact:
SEN Information:

SEND Information Report 23-24

SEND Policy 23-24

Home School Agreement: Home School Agreement
Accessibility Policy and Plan: 

Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy:  PMAT Charging & Remissions Policy
Behaviour Policy: Behaviour Policy
School Exclusion Information: Exclusion Guidance
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy: 

Safeguarding & Child Protection

New Child Policy 2021/22

Charging and Remissions

Charging and Remissions Policy

Summary of Data

Governor Information Governor Information & Attendance
Managing Medicines in School: Managing Medicine 

Barton Moss Equalities Policy

Online Safety:

Online Safety Policy

Online Safety Information

Privacy Notices:

Prestolee Multi Academy Trust Privacy Notices

Complaints Policy:

Complaints Policy

Policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints and contacts with school

ICO Registration  ICO Registration Details
Financial Benchmarking: Financial Benchmarking
Information Management: PMAT Data Protection Policy
School Day: Please see here

If any parent wishes to request a copy of any information provided on this website, it will be provided free of charge.

School Contact Information: 

Telephone Number: 0161 921 1840




Barton Moss Primary School
Trippier Road
Peel Green
M30 7PT